MPESA Paybill : 926500

Minimum savings per month is Kshs 2,600/-. Maximum savings depend on individual member’s ability.

Excel Saving Scheme: This is a voluntary contributory savings scheme for school fees payment, minimum monthly contribution is Kshs 500/=.Savings more than 1000/= per month in a year earns attractive interest rate. Christmas Furaha: This is a voluntary contributory savings scheme for a happy Christmas minimum monthly contribution is Kshs 500/=. It is withdrawable every December. Withdrawals before December are…

Bankers Cheques: Available to the general public. Affordable commissions charged. Cheque Clearance Service: FOSA account holders can deposit third party cheques. Clearance takes 3 days. Very competitive clearance rates. Advanced payment can be negotiated. ATM/M-Banking Services: This is E- money service. Withdraw cash from your account at your comfort zone. VISA card for your convenience. No need to visit our…