Bankers Cheques:
Available to the general public. Affordable commissions charged.
Cheque Clearance Service:
FOSA account holders can deposit third party cheques. Clearance takes 3 days. Very competitive clearance rates. Advanced payment can be negotiated.
ATM/M-Banking Services:
This is E- money service. Withdraw cash from your account at your comfort zone. VISA card for your convenience. No need to visit our FOSA for cash withdrawal. Transfer cash from your FOSA account to your M-pesa at your comfort Zone. Purchase goods and services directly with your Visa Card. Pay bills with the ATM Card. Sacco link card terms and conditions applies.
Children Account:
Open to any willing customer/member. A building block for future of the child. No minimum saving required. Convenient for future fee payment. Stability of the child. Attracts interest for growth. Open one today and count back in future smiling.
Fixed Deposit Service:
A bullet savings account for any customer. Good for block receipts like pensions and gratuities. Negotiable interest rate. Minimum fixed amount Kshs 100,000/-. Can be perpetually renewed at each maturity date.