MPESA Paybill : 926500

School/College Fees Loan: Available for either personal Education or Dependants Education. Member can choose a repayment period between 10 to 20 months. Refinancing of college fee available. Emergency Loan: For members with immediate and urgent fund requirements. Repayable within 10 months. Payment within 30 minutes. No limit as long as repayment ability allows. Normal Loan Processed 4 times a member’s…

Excel Saving Scheme: This is a voluntary contributory savings scheme for school fees payment, minimum monthly contribution is Kshs 500/=.Savings more than 1000/= per month in a year earns attractive interest rate. Christmas Furaha: This is a voluntary contributory savings scheme for a happy Christmas minimum monthly contribution is Kshs 500/=. It is withdrawable every December. Withdrawals before December are…

Minimum savings per month is Kshs 2,600/-. Maximum savings depend on individual member’s ability.