School/College Fees Loan:

Available for either personal Education or Dependants Education. Member can choose a repayment period between 10 to 20 months. Refinancing of college fee available.

Emergency Loan:

For members with immediate and urgent fund requirements. Repayable within 10 months. Payment within 30 minutes. No limit as long as repayment ability allows.

Normal Loan

Processed 4 times a member’s deposit repayable within 36 months. A member qualifies as far as repayment ability permits. Refinancing available.

Development Loan

Processed 4 times a member’s deposit, subject to ability to repay. Repayable within 48months.

Karibu Loan:

Flexible for new members who need immediate funding. No need for enough deposits. Loan is paid less multiplier deposits. A show of a first check-off deposit contribution in the monthly pay slips enough. Applicant channels monthly Salary to FOSA. Repayable up to 36 months.