Imarisha Biashara
Have a small or medium-sized business? Get a loan to boost your stock and increase sales
Boost Your Projects
Are you a BOSA member? Get a long-term loan of up to 60 months at 1% interest on reducing balance to boost your projects
Comfortable Retirement
Channel your pension to FOSA and continue enjoying our services including loans.
Imarisha Biashara
Your Child’s Future
Boost Your Projects
Comfortable Retirement
We have the best offers for our micro-credit members
As a business person getting a loan from a bank or other money lending facilities can be challenging. We offer loans at friendly rates to boost your business, support education of your children as well as personal projects.
for salary earners both in Public and Private organizations
One of our objectives is to organize and promote the welfare and economic interest of our members. This is why we offer a wide range of BOSA and FOSA products to suit your different needs.
about us
Taraji Sacco was initially Siaya Teachers Sacco and was formed in 1978 by about 100 teachers with the aim of mobilizing resources to provide affordable financial products and services thus uplifting thrift amongst its members.
The society has since grown to heights, embracing its core values of fairness, honesty, accountability and team work to achieve its objectives, and is now calling on new teachers and other members of the public to join the Sacco in large numbers for their own benefit.
The society has since grown to heights, embracing its core values of fairness, honesty, accountability and team work to achieve its objectives, and is now calling on new teachers and other members of the public to join the Sacco in large numbers for their own benefit.

About 100 teachers came together with the aim of mobilizing resources to provide affordable financial products and services thus uplifting thrift amongst its members

PLAZA Acquisition
Acquisition of the prestigious Mwalimu plaza

Change in Management
Taraji Sacco, then known as Siaya Teachers SACCO society - was voted the best managed SACCO in Nyanza Province and since then, the board of directors have never looked back.

SASRA Compliance
Achieved SASRA compliance for Deposit Taking.

The society was rebranded from Siaya Teachers Sacco where membership was strictly teachers within Siaya district to Taraji Sacco where anybody could join and become a member leading to growth in membership.
Our Partners
Are you a member? Join the Members Portal
Here is what you can do on the portal
- Check your account information including the listed next of kin
- Preview your account balances
- Check your loan status
- Check your eligibility for guarantorship
- Calculate your loan repayment
- Apply for short term loans such as salary advance, fosa quickserve, fosa flex, emergency, super emergency, college fees and school fees
- Apply for long-term loans such as Almasi loan, development loan, premier loan
- Request for guarantors online
- Provide customer care feedback
- View and download statements such as member statement, savings statement, loan statement, loans guarantors statement, and loans guaranteed statements.
Head Office
Head office:
Siaya Teachers Plaza,
Oginga Odinga Road
P.O Box 605-40600, SIAYA
Cell Phone: 0792895663
Ugunja office: KCB Building,
Ugunja Busia Road
Cell Phone: 0746386078
Bondo Office: Jenoh Plaza,
Opposite Kenya Women.
Cell Phone: 0718217768