Savings Products
- Open to all members
- Contributions are voluntary.
- Minimum contributions is Ksh 500/- per month.
- Withdrawable on request.
- This is a voluntary contribution savings scheme for a merry x-mass.
- Minimum contribution of Ksh 500/- per month.
- Withdrawable every December and earns attractive interest.
- Premature Withdrawal attracts a 5% charge.
- voluntary contribution for urgent medical care.
- Minimum contribution of Ksh 500/- per month.
- Withdrawable on request.
- Savings done daily at the business premises
- For small business people e.g mama mboga,,small kiosks etc
- Saving after 3 months qualifies for a bakisha loan
- Open to all members
- Earn interest up to 7% p.a.
- Fixing periods are 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
- The Pensioners who have fixed their Lump sum have really enjoyed the returns.
- You are allowed to fix any amount.
- This is a school fee savings plan for the young ones less than 18 years.
- Members are encouraged to save and train their children on importance of saving. This will inculcate the culture of saving in our children.
- Registration fee is sh.500.
- Documents needed for account opening are the national ID copy of the parent/guardian and birth certificate of the child.
- Fill Toto – Poa account opening form.
- No minimum savings.
- Withdrawable quarterly in a year.
- Savings earn attractive interest per year.
- The Sacco normally organizes a Toto-poa fun day yearly.This is a forum where the children come together to have fun. Good teachings are also done to them and their parents or guardians.
- This saving must be made regularly for one to remain an active member
- One qualifies for a loan four times the total saving but depending on ones ability to repay the loan and the security offered.
- Most members including Medium business should have share Capital of sh. 16,000 as from the year 2021. For those who were at sh. 10,000 a top up transfer of sh.2000 from deposits is to be done annually for 3 years.
- The share capital for Small businesses and Micro Business is, sh.5,000 and sh.3,000 respectively. Members are encouraged to surpass the set minimum as it attracts good dividend at the end of the year.
- This account is non-refundable and can be enjoyed until death and passed over to next of kin. It can also be transferred to an existing member.
- In this group model, individuals save KSHs. 225 per week. Members in a group save a minimum of Sh.200 and Sh.25 for insurance premium. Cumulatively, each group member should save shs.900 per month.
- Loan is given in turns, at a graduation scale of 15,000; 25,000; 40,000; 60,000; 85,000 and the sixth loan to be Ksh. 100,000, officials to be given last to help monitor repayments.
- Account opening fees is Sh. 500 for individuals and the groups. Individuals are to open the accounts under the group and be linked with the group.
- A savings period is 3 months before the loan is applied to allow training of the groups on the credit management, appraisal process and assessment.
- Groups must register with the Social services and have updated certificate.
- Group members co-guarantee each other.
- Maximum loan repayment to be 12 months.
- Voluntary savings scheme for co-operate bodies like churches, companies, private schools and private companies.
- It is Withdrawable on request accounts as per the advice by the member s.
- Out of the monthly deposit contribution Ksh 400 is for Loan Guard and Last Expense.
- A last expense of KES 60,000 is paid towards the burial arrangement.
- In case of death or disability of a registered member, an active loan is cleared by the insurance company.